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First General Meeting
In our first general meeting, we talked about Dissociative Amnesia, which was the mental disorder that gained the most votes on Clubs and Societies Day. However, that wasn't the only event for the day.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Second General Meeting

Today is CPIC's second general meeting in year 2011. We have invited Ms Liu from CPCS to give us a talk about her experience as a clinical psychologist. Due to the smaller number of CPIC members who attended, the talk became a warm, sharing session. We all sat on the floor and chit-chatted with Ms Liu, gaining invaluable insights. A lot of questions have been posed, and Ms Liu answered them with great enthusiasm. Thank you Ms Liu, for your time and effort! And also to the members, thank you for coming for our second event this year! :-D We may be a small bunch but we'll grow!

Photos will be posted up soon, so, stay tuned! :-D

Member's Feedback

9th March 2011                                       Second General Meeting   

Monday, March 7, 2011

Back and kicking! Second GM awaits you! :-D

Who said we're dead and gone?
CPIC is BACK with more goodies for members and non-members alike!
Join our sharing session with Clinical Psychologist Ms Liu Moy Yub this Wednesday, 9th March 2011, from 12:00pm to 2:00pm. Head over to L.H. 9.3 at Wisma HELP and DRAG YOUR FRIENDS ALONG! :-D

P/s: We've got games too!

Thursday, January 27, 2011

First General Meeting 2011 -- Dissociative Amnesia

Yesterday was our first General Meeting and it was a BLAST! Aside from discussing about Dissociative Amnesia (the disorder with the most votes during Clubs and Societies Day), we had a few games; but on top of that, everybody enjoyed themselves to the max! Everybody became friends at the end of the session, which was the best part! :-)

Ice-breaking game: Animal Kingdom. Everybody was still rather reserved at that moment.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Members' Feedback -- 26th January 2011

Our first general meeting was considered a success! Although only a fraction of the newly registered members attended the meeting, but everybody had fun. :-) Updates will be posted soon, so stay tuned!

Remember that some us wrote something onto a piece of orange paper just now? We appreciate all the comments because they have given us a chance to look at ourselves.

The purpose of us having this at the end of every meeting is that we hope to see what we can do to deliver satisfaction to our members. We love hearing from our members, be it positive or negative comments; and we will love it even more if our members give us suggestions regarding the club as a whole, and future events or activities! We are practising a transparency policy with this activity, so we will not censor anything, unless vulgarities are included or when sensitive issues are raised. Don't be shy, but if you really are shy, you can also give us feedback through email! :-)

The original copy will be posted on our notice board on Level 8, Wisma HELP. This is the soft copy, and the orange italics are the replies to your comments! :-D

Monday, January 24, 2011

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Clubs and Societies Day, January 2011

Two days ago was HELP’s Clubs and Societies Day. Six CPIC members arrived at 11:30am to set up the CPIC booth. Not something to be proud of, but we just managed to finish setting our booth up when HELP students started pouring in. Apparently, being FULLY prepared is something that we still have to work at.

Our team of six spent a lot of effort in introducing our club to the mass. I would say that this time round, the team has done a great, great job because the number of new members broke previous records – it doubled! So give yourselves a pat on the back for all the enthusiasm and hard work! We will be able to keep this up and better improve the CPIC!

Words are cumbersome, so I shall let the photos do the talking:

Xiang Yi introducing the CPIC potential 'customers'...