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First General Meeting
In our first general meeting, we talked about Dissociative Amnesia, which was the mental disorder that gained the most votes on Clubs and Societies Day. However, that wasn't the only event for the day.

Thursday, May 22, 2008

AGM Outcome

Yo people!

Firstly, thank you for you all fellow members to attend the recent AGM. It has been great having all of you there. It really means a lot. Anyway, there has been a new committee elected to take over from the previous committee. So the below are the new people:

Coordinator 1: Nicholas Lau
2: Chong

Secretary 1: Edward Ong
2: Ai Rene

Treasurer 1: Yuen
2: Sook Huey

Game Director : Castle

Nevertheless, the new committee would like to appreciate all the work doings of Jessica and other seniors that built a good foundation for the club. They would continue to be in our club as honorary members.

We have also discussed about the previous trip to Tanjung Rambutan and proposed future activities for the club. Hopefully, we could execute all proposed activities.

Lastly, thanks for coming again to the AGM! Please do help out if you can during the Club and Society's Day on 28th May.

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